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MYCRO JOBS - Simply Getting The Job Done

Like it or not, but life goes on, and with it goes our time, spent our resources, our health and our money. Each of these components is an integral part of our lives without which we can not exist. However, the resources of time and money in our society are considered the most important. And I think you've heard the phrase "Time is money"more than once.


Have you ever noticed that these two concepts always go somewhere near. Very often you can meet people who have a lot of money, but little free time. I think each of us surrounded by at least one such person and there. He seems to be happy to spend his earned money, but unfortunately he can not fully devote time to his family, children, wife. Thus leaving some negative residue on the soul.
But in life there is often another situation when a person seems to have a lot of free time, and he can spend more time with his family, but he does not have proper financial earnings. Thus, a vicious circle is formed. But I wanted to break out of this vicious? And the answer to this question I already have. Rather there is a proposal from one cool team, whose project is aimed at solving the problem.

About the project

The project that we will consider today is called - MYCRO. The main idea of the project is to create an innovative solution for which the problem of lack of time and lack of money is relevant. This project is a mobile application, which will be placed various kinds of short-term work for all types of people, where they can delegate some of their work or care to other people and get the desired result (free time or money).

How it works?

For example: you do not have enough time to make your only day off with your family, relax somewhere with them in the Park. Instead, you perform a huge list of household chores that have long accumulated and require urgent implementation. This can include anything: cleaning the apartment, mowing the lawn, washing and Ironing of bed linen.
But with MYCRO you have a unique chance to entrust a part of your work to someone who is ready to receive a monetary reward for it. Thus, you will immediately solve two main problems: you will be able to spend time with your family and do all the household chores. I find it very convenient! There are thousands of such examples. Since the types of work can be completely different plan, ranging from home services, delivery service and ending with a variety of virtual and highly qualified services.

Design feature

Since the main feature of the project is its availability, openness and ease of use, The blockchain technology itself is an indispensable advantage. On the basis of which all further principles of interaction of participants of this platform will be based. Smart contracts and an intelligent algorithm will help to control these relations. The terms of the contract will be considered successful only when both parties are satisfied with the performance of their obligations. There will also be a rating of participants within the framework of the MYCRO, so that the employer has the opportunity to assess the potential jobber in advance.
This principle of interaction within the decentralized network will maximize the reliability and further reputation of all participants, while directly connect with the right specialist.
After all, you will agree that often, a person who could do your job does not live far from you, but you do not even suspect its existence, as both use the wrong tools for communication and interaction. With MYCRO this problem will be solved. Since jobbers and all the necessary information about them will be available to you immediately, when filling out your wish form, which will have a positive impact on the final search time.

The details of the ICO

If we talk about the means of interaction within the framework of MYCRO, then an internal token – MYO will be available for participants. Thanks to which you can get not only a bonus for the work done, but also to pay them in the performance of some task. In total, the founding team intends to issue 100 million tokens. All of them will be developed on the basis of Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20). The total number of tokens will be divided into two parts, according to private and public sales. To acquire this token can be via ETH.
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:


At the end of his review I want to note a very interesting concept and idea of the project. I think that for many it will be very interesting, because in fact you'll be able to communicate directly with people who can entrust the execution of a particular job. If you do not contact third-party third parties during the payment and at the time of confirmation of the operation. The platform is made really in the most simple interface to work with it was able to absolutely anyone, different technical training.
If we talk about the project in more detail, I still recommend you to study MYCRO in more detail. To do this, at the end of the article I will attach all the necessary links, thanks to which you will receive all the necessary, official information about this project.

Official resources of the project MYCRO JOBS:

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