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Organicco - Bring Green Technology to Blockchain

Organicco is a project to develop green technology solutions that utilize organic waste to produce additional products for agriculture, and build an internal trading platform dedicated to the market for those products. in this field.

Agriculture, while contributing small amounts to the world economy, is a very important industry because people can not get machines or gold for food.
Agricultural agriculture from the early years of the era of civilization, to captivity, domestication, or most recently, the application of technological advances to agriculture, has helped us to produce Giant Products allowing greater control over food. 
The Green Revolution in India or the desert of Israel is a big boost, but there is still a painful problem in agriculture:

Abuse of chemicals in agriculture causes damage to soil and organisms;

• Soil erosion is at an alarming rate, if it continues, then humanity will lose all fertile soil fertility;

• Untreated organic waste, harmful to the environment;

• Agricultural solutions have not been comprehensive and comprehensive;

Traditional payment methods on agricultural markets are slow, expensive and risky.

The Organicco Project developed by OTL Group will research, develop and provide advanced technology to partners in need, and manage products to close trades. Organicco also builds an internal trading platform that enables ecosystem members to interact and exchange values ​​with each other in a transparent and secure manner.


In order to truly revolutionize the communications industry, Organics presents the most viable solutions that OTL has been using and doing business for 10 years in this market:
   • Continue researching and upgrading proprietary solutions: ecoHERO - organic fertilizer production, ecoDRYER - producing animal feed & ecoReducer - produces energy & renewable fuels from organic ingredients not Desire.
   • Production of equipment belonging to the previously mentioned system, transportation support, installation and maintenance at the partner company, as well as the purchase and completion of output for the finished product;
   • Expand links to businesses, companies and even governments around the world to introduce Organicco technologies and solutions;
   • Provide financial support to a number of companies so they have the opportunity to access Organicco services, in return for which Organicco will be entitled to share profits except for their income;
   • Issuing ORC tokens in stock, allowing owners to share profits from organicco organic interests;
   • Build easiPayer, an internal payment platform for global agricultural markets with low cost, transparent operations using blockchain technology.


Orgnicco has a very detailed and clear roadmap, the most important being the finished product and the finished market, the latter is to increase capital to grow faster and bring the market to the blockchain:

01.2017: OTL was established after 10 years of research and development.

Message for pilot project from MRC Vaudreuil-Solanges, Montreal, Canada.

02.2017: Recruitment.
03.2017: Received order for ecoTYER 6.000TPA from Boxford Farm.

04.2017: Certificate signed for installation of mini ecoDRYER in Kent, England.

05.2017: Switch to a manufacturing facility near Heathrow to manufacture its own product.

07.2017: Customers begin technical assessments to build a 100 ton per day UK fertilizer plant from chicken manure.

08.2017: OLT Site Launched
09.2017: Vaudreuil-Solanges pilot project, Montreal, Canada has been installed.

Technical design of customer freezing.
12.2017: 6.000tpa ecoDRYER unit shipped to Boxford Farm.

Find out how to raise funds and explore ICO.
02.2018: Organicco Ltd was established to manage funds collected from ICO.

03.2018: The ERC223 smart contract is created and the token is allocated according to information on WhitePaper.

6.000tpa ecoDRYER has been installed and applied for renewable heat incentives
(The government pays for every kW of the heat energy we use).

04.2018: Launch Pre-ICO.
05.2018: Pilot project for chicken manure to install fertilizer production equipment.

Delivery for ecoHERO pilot project.
06.2018: End of Pre-ICO, phase 1 of ICO begins.
Installation of ecoHERO pilot project.
07.2018: Recruit more personnel for the team.
EcoHERO plant contract signed for Kent.
ICO Phase 1 ends and ICO Phase 2 begins and will run until all tokens are sold.

09.2018: Contract of fertilizer signed 100 t / day from chicken manure.
The feasibility study of the Methanol plant begins.

Establish the easiPayer team.

12.2018: Distribution of main components for 100t / day fertilizer project.

Q2 2019: Launches the easiPayer for selected vendors and customers to test platforms and solve initial problems.

Q3 2019: Production of small biomass fuels from composite materials by ecoREDUCER.

Q4 2019: Anaerobic anaerobic launch (IAAD) integrated solution to produce both low-power and low-level organic fertilizer from unwanted organic materials.

Q1 2020: Methanol (ethanol) and ethanol (avtur) launched, focusing on well-known markets such as Africa, India and South America.

Q2 2020: Released easiPayer for wider use.

2021: Increasing the production of fertilizers, biofuels, methanol and ethanol by providing more projects.

2022: Preparing systems for farmers around the world to collaborate on the main food production using organic fertilizers and help restore eroded soil eroded.

2023: The establishment of a network of collaborative farmer feeders around the world, eventually creating an economic circle that closes the cycle of food production and has more farmers around the world. sustainable food production.


Token allocation mechanism:

16% - Partner sales
60% - Sales Crowd
4% - Marketing
20% - Development team
Investment capital allocation:

42.2% - Development of green technology projects
7% - increased production
0.8% - Marketing / PR
10.9% - Insurance for investors
7% - Research and development of fuel, launching new products
28.2% - EasyPayer backing asse
3.8% - The law


Jon Ure: CEO

Vipul Patel: Chief Financial Officer
Paul Herrbach: Canadian partner
Gopal Jeyasundra: Technical Director
Parwana Ahamadi: Financial Assistan
Bing Hu: Senior Blockchain Developer

Pirasath Indrakumar: Information Technology Technician
Jesson Escat: Manufacturing Engineer
Rasheed Bello: ICO / Blockchain Advisor


Token Name: Organic Token
Code: ORC
Standard: ERC-20 (blockchain Ethereum)
Row: Stock
Total supply: 120 000 000 ORC
Softcap: £ 3 500 000 GBP
Hardcap: £ 35 million GBP

Token Sale: 10.04 - sold 72 million tokens
Pre-ICO: 10.04 - 05.06

Number of tokens: 12 million tokens
Price: 1 ORC = £ 0.40 GBP

Capital insurance: 100% for the original 5 million tokens, 25% for the next 7 million tokens

ICO: 06.06 - sells 60 million tokens
Number of tokens: 60 million tokens
Price: 1 ORC = £ 0.50 GBP

ORC tokens are part of the profits and will be listed on the exchange. The easiPayer token is only circulated on the floor with a value backed by a tangible asset, initially £ 10 million GBP of Organicco equity, after which it will depend on the user's property, similar to USDT from Tether but more transparent because it is publicly audited.


Website: https://

BTT :;u=1011357

          ETH :     0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306


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