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SaTT will change transactions between advertisers and content publishers instantly

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About SaTT
SaTT will change the transaction between advertisers and content publishers to be instantaneous, transparent and secure! The SaTT is an ERC20 token created to facilitate advertising transactions with a smart contract. No more late payments or expensive banking services. A decentralized system to quantify the results of a campaign thanks to third-party applications and an intelligent contract.

The problem
Until now, there was no simple and effective offer to satisfy this need: it was human work, agency work. Advertisers and publishers in many advertising networks must rely on centralized advertising agencies without being able to verify the statistical results provided, which can be biased making the campaigns more expensive. In the case of a technical failure in a centralized platform, all advertising campaigns stop working until the incident is resolved and, if a centralized network is hacked, hackers can access all the accounts in the system.

The traditional business model of traditional and centralized advertising agencies is based on a prohibitive cost of income and monthly billing for the services provided. The minimum fee for using your interface varies from several hundred to thousands of dollars per month and payments of affiliate commissions can take several months, resulting in significant transfer fees and can even be blocked in the case of an invoice. minimal

Our solution
The blockchain is a decentralized and distributed database that guarantees the integrity of the data and transactions. Thanks to the chain of blocks, advertisers and their campaigns are not connected to each other. Therefore, not all are affected by hacking or malfunctioning. Thanks to Smart Contract SaTT, announcements and transactions are governed by modules of autonomous beings protected by the chain of blocks Ethereum. In the case of a malfunction of a module or Oracle, the integrity of the advertisements of other advertisers is preserved.
The transaction cost is divided between the encryption and the Oracle modules according to the needs. Therefore, there is no minimum monthly billing. Competition among Oracle modules guarantees a high level of service and competitive rates. When using SaTT, payments are immediate as soon as the success criteria are met. Payments are not subject to transfer fees or currency conversion rates, which provide the industry with significant cost savings.

How does it work
The Smart Contract SaTT allows the advertiser to publish ads based on their performance objectives and can track the evolution of their advertising campaign in the interfaces they used to use such as Google Analytics, Instagram, Facebook Analytics thanks to the Oracle module connections that they transmit information between the Smart Contract and a data source to define the parameters of a transaction. Thanks to the chain of blocks, the publisher is guaranteed that the campaign is provisioned and that it will be paid as soon as it complies with the conditions established by the advertiser or the end date of the campaign defined in the transaction. Once the objectives are achieved,

Blockchain and Tokenized Economy
Smart Contract SaTT works in a decentralized and distributed way. The chain of blocks will include all the current offers that allow any API or platform to perform operations, be it the creation as part of an ad builder, the screen to create an ad directory or in Oracle, for example, providing the necessary statistics to validate and quantify the transaction. To make the SaTT more liquid, we will install the PayBySaTT function in our application store and we will offer an SDK for external developers so that many exclusive products and events are paid in SaTT.

Information sheet
Symbol: SaTT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: 0.4200 USD

Pre ICO 100%
Step 1 50%
Step 2 30%
Step 3 20%
Step 4 10%
Cards for sale: 68,000,000

Investment information
Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat
Distributed in ICO: 34%.
Softcover: 3,360,000 USD
Hard cap: 28,560,000 USD

Gauthier BROS
Stéphanie CLEMENT
Geoffrey MOYA
Nicolas ROY
Caroline messenger
Mohamed Aziz BEN REJEB
I know bouti

Our advisors
Laurent LELOUP
David AZAR
Richard ESTEVE
Jean Michel BILLAUT
Philippe ERB
Eric Alexandre CERET
Jordan Delagnau
Jose ouziel
François LePage
Florian Rézeau
Guillaume Micouin
Quentin Herbrecht
Vladimir Denis
Bryan Blaevoet


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ETH: 0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306   
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