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ArchiCoin is a distributed storage that uses stable cryptography. Instead of centralized servers, the file system is formed by an unlimited number of servers on the Internet. Anyone can provide their disk space to participate in an integrated data storage system.
ArchiCoin stores all data in encrypted form. Access to user files is manifested via private key. No one but the owner can get access to the information downloaded on the network. ArchiCoin makes it possible to store, exchange, or monetize structured data safely. ArchiCoin is scalable and ready for large data.
When you upload a file to the ArchiCoin network  , it is divided into sections, these sections are encrypted and sent to a bunch of peers. Nothing stores the entire file, even in encrypted form. The data storage method has obvious advantages compared to storing data on a local server. Servers with data can be hacked, shut down, detonated or seized by court decisions. All this can happen to a bunch of peers.
The advantage of this system is the possibility to store unstructured and structured data. All files will be indexed with the help of blockchain and distributed on the ArchiCoin network  . Users can also create a container where data will be shared. This allows the creation of distributed databases.
In addition to data storage, ArchiCoin offers secure access to user information without interacting with third parties. There’s nothing to keep a record of user files or information required for authorization, so only owners have access to data and decryption. Companies spend billions to share personal data or data securely. They are looking for flexible data access management methods. It is realized with the help of smart contracts that allow to adjust access to data without fear of leaking.



All information in ArchiCoin is stored evenly and distributed in encrypted form in blockchain. Access to user files is through private key.


When a file is uploaded to the ArchiCoin network  , the file is split into several encrypted sections and sent to a bunch of peers. Nothing saves the file entirely even in encrypted form, so all information is stored sufficiently.


By using the ArchiCoin service  , users can store structured data and unstructured data.


This service is completely independent, so excludes the possibility of regulatory or public authority intervention. The system is completely autonomous. In addition to data storage, ArchiCoin offers secure access to user information without interacting with third parties.


Nothing except the owner can gain access to upload to network information. Access to user files is done via private key.


Access to recordings is only available to their owners or trusted users with the help of a private key. No one else has access to files, including system creators. No computer stores the entire file, which keeps this storage as efficient as possible.


During a transaction or replication, all permissions and operations must be tested in blocking in multiple blocks.


Each storage is automatically synced with other network participants, which makes the network completely synced and accessible.


Because of the transparent and up-to-date information stored in the blockchain there will be no disputes between contractors, so no verification of the contract information is required. A complete set of information about each operation is stored in the network forever, but this information can only be seen by the dealer. By taking advantage of networking opportunities, companies will be able to reduce credit risks and unsymmetric information about the deal.


Distributed records make it possible to forget many centralized information systems that can be used to track records and data, no need to wait for requests to various organs for information coordination.


The realization of transactions and the fastest information exchange. Each client operates in a single database, while the latest information is distributed directly to the market and synchronized with the public database.


The ArchiCoin system function lets you not only store files on the system, but also to place your own sites, open online stores, streaming sites, server half applications. All the stored information will be easily accessible from anywhere in the world, at minimal cost and lack of censorship.

Token Sales

Token and ICO
For inner calculations the system introduces the ArchiCoin token, which will become the main accounting unit and means of payment for data storage. For the support of the blockchain work computing power of miners is required. Miners will receive a reward in tokens. The general principle is analogous to the well-known methods of forming blocks and emissions and it works on a PoW system. After launching, the distributed cloud storage system will function entirely through the ArchiCoin system. The payment for space of the storage, internal tariff and deposit on space for the storage will be performed only by this system. With an increase in the number of system users the value of the tokens increases as well as the development of the ecosystem. New users are forced to get tokens to pay for data storage and it creates a real demand in the market. In addition, we are expecting a strong investment demand during the first month after the launch of the project as a result of marketing strategy and public promotion of the project.
Project Team
Kairat Egemberdiev CEO Archicoin
Nathan Adamson Project Manager
Business Manager
Author: Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1011357


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