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Cardstack  is an open-source database and a consensus protocol that makes the blockbodies convenient and scalable for the mass market, creating a decentralized software ecosystem that can challenge the modern digital superpowers.

Cardstack offers a new economic model for financing and supporting software that works in the world. This model distributes awards enough among developers and open source communities supporting them.

The team's mission is to create an economically sustainable ecosystem software that recedes against the rampant mechanisms of blocking centralized platforms.

The three main problems in this market

The Age of the App Store turns software functions into standalone native applications that do not usually communicate with each other and require users to choose between overlapping functions to form their workflows.

The Age of the App Store turns software functions into standalone native applications that do not usually communicate with each other and require users to choose between overlapping functions to form their workflows.

As the software moves to the cloud, users need to manage multiple signatures for cloud-based software products (SaaS) and choose the right plan to optimize costs for all the necessary functions.

As the software moves to the cloud, users need to manage multiple signatures for cloud-based software products (SaaS) and choose the right plan to optimize costs for all the necessary functions.

The emergence of blockers and decentralized applications (dApps) annoyed the situation, requiring users to purchase and manage the delivery of utility tokens for each of the functions that make up their software stack.

The emergence of blockers and decentralized applications (dApps) annoyed the situation, requiring users to purchase and manage the delivery of utility tokens for each of the functions that make up their software stack.

The problems of silos are in fact the result of the generosity of technological progress, financed by the growth in the global Internet access market. In the user's pocket, each new generation of mobile phones provides a basic level of capabilities that prompts inclusion in the user's workflow. The competitive landscape of mobile operating systems means that the striking innovations of the past year have become commodities of this year. In the cloud, all SaaS vendors want to add features to attract a new segment of customers or simply force the customer to move to a competing set that begins to encroach on their feature set.


The massive implementation of blockbodies can be accelerated if we reach users through platforms, such as mobile devices or an open network, and invite them to participate as peers with greater sovereignty.

Cardstack is a leap forward for a block at each level of the software stack - providing a toolbox that opens up the power of a decentralized Internet for everyone. We want to break the application silos in favor of an open digital world. Using Cardstack, users can mix and match functions from multiple applications or dApps without worrying about the clutter of individual subscribers to the cloud or the tokens of the utility. What is even more interesting: our system allows users to create incredibly new workflows - combining services from different layers of the Internet - it would simply be impossible in a centralized world. This breakthrough is made possible by the folded constructive paradigm of Cardstack, which provides a unit of information in the form of bitten, encapsulated maps, which can be expanded, embedded, attached, fettered, launched, versioned, cloned, approved, undone or retained forever. In a decentralized world, your data must be the same network or sovereign as you want.

Developers can use the Cardstack Framework, a comprehensive SDK, to create powerful applications that are linked to a map. Create something using modular narration and detection containers. Easily create custom workflows using the Cardstack Hub, which organizes the transfer of data and values ​​across multiple chains and clouds.

CARD is not just a crypto currency: it is designed specifically to create a sustainable market where open source developers are rewarded fairly, allowing users to manage and combine the perfect combination of software services according to their needs. Here's how it works. When the user spends the CARD, he easily generates intellectual contracts between the users and the applications. Based on anonymous use data tracked by intellectual contracts, the combined tokens are then periodically distributed to application creators and partners according to the decentralized algorithmic payment and management model that lies in the hands of the community.

Like other crypto-currencies, CARD users can become miners to check transactions and receive commissions. But unlike Bitkoyn, which forces the matzner to solve useless mathematical problems - Counterstack's analytical miners help to calculate the rewarding function of the one who is paid what is sifted through spam, making the system fair and stable. The results of the analytical miners compete in the sorting scheme, which we call the proof of analytics, therefore the reward algorithms are not under the control of one side.

The Tally Protocol

Cardstack was the first to develop an advanced, scalable, consensus protocol called Tally. Early blocking applications that require each user action to be represented by long wait times, cost increases, and absurd resource requirements.

Tally solves this by using cryptographic usage messages that the final payment is retreating to the intellectual contract on the chain, improving experience and reducing the requirements for the Ethereum block chain. Tally gives dApps the ability to perform the same complex calculations that digital superpowers use to organize large user networks. And Tally's miners can use graphics processors already deployed in the world of cryptography, which is important. This means that we have the hardware to run cryptographic evidence, statistical analysis and Silicon Valley in the very near future.


APP Framework 
Cardstack Framework is an integrated SDK for creating powerful, cohesive applications for blocking. The base is the Cardstack Hub, which organizes the transfer of data and values ​​across multiple chains and the cloud.
Aggregation Protocol 
Works with the Tally protocol using Cardstack, which gives dApps the ability to perform complex calculations to organize large networks of users, such as packet payments, vote counting and rewards for good performance.
Token Ecosystem 

Developers can monetize their applications on the basis of Cardstack using smart contracts based on Cardstack (CARD) tokens, the ERC20 marketplace, based on Ethereum, designed to honor the community of Cardstackpowered communities.

Features & Benefits


For more information about Cardstack, you can visit links below:



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