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FAIR NINJA The Modern Global Market

Hasil gambar untuk fair ninja ico

The Fair Ninja platform is the world's first multi-national online advertising platform where anyone from around the world can buy and sell goods and services around the world. The developer's goal is to connect the secret world secret market to a single market, making transactions easier than ever. In addition, the Fair Ninja platform will initially offer fully integrated payment methods for cryptographic currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ERC 20 standards from Yoshicoin. With the help of Smart Contract Fair, Ninja provides transparent, reliable, secure and anonymous transactions that conduct online and free international trade.
Not only the online market, individual sellers and buyers have many advantages. Although buyers must have access to unprecedented access to a wide variety of products, markets and online sellers, more and more people are selling their goods and services. And with the help of an automatic translation tool to support the Fair Ninja, language and communication barriers will be removed, which will allow it to enter the international market. In addition, by using smart contracts, the user can know that the products and payments are offered, and can conduct the business safely completely.
Obviously, Fair Ninja is a very ambitious project, and no problem. However, the developers believe that this problem will be solved by entering the international market through block-chain technology in the product center, ultimately creating an independent global online advertising market.Advertising
appeared long before newspapers appeared and for decades supported the printing industry. However, in the mid-1990s publishers and online platforms began to change the industry, introducing advertising on the Internet. In early 2000, revenues from online advertising on the Internet were almost equal to newspaper revenues, reaching more than $ 14 billion. The advantages of online advertising are very clear. There are no restrictions on printing, and you can publish virtually unlimited ads on online platforms. Advertisers can offer ads more easily and quickly. In addition, for consumers, online advertising makes it easy to find the right product, and in many cases there are huge variations and variations of what's available in print ads. One of the most popular and extensive online classifications of the Craigslist platform was probably created in 1995 as a list of email addresses, but soon turned into a complete website. Today, the site records over 20 billion views monthly and is the 72nd most visited site in the world. Craigslist is listing one of the best places for job listings, properties and many other types of products and services, each month receiving over 80 million new ads. The site is growing strongly outside of US audiences, and there are lists in more than 700 cities and 70 countries. It was created as a list of email addresses in 1995 and soon turned into a complete website. Today, the site records over 20 billion views monthly and is the 72nd most visited site in the world. Craigslist contains over 80 million new ads every month and is one of the best places for job listings, real estate listings and many other products and services. The site is growing strongly outside of US audiences, and there are lists in more than 700 cities and 70 countries. It was created as a list of email addresses in 1995, but quickly turned into a complete website. Today, the site records over 20 billion views monthly and is the 72nd most visited site in the world. Craigslist contains over 80 million new ads every month and is one of the best places for job listings, real estate listings and many other products and services. The site is growing strongly outside of US audiences, and there are lists in more than 700 cities and 70 countries. Craigslist contains over 80 million new ads every month and is one of the best places for job listings, real estate listings and many other products and services. The site is growing strongly outside of US audiences, and there are lists in more than 700 cities and 70 countries. Craigslist contains over 80 million new ads every month and is one of the best places for job listings, real estate listings and many other products and services.

For this reason, developers believe that market conditions are optimal for Fair Ninja projects. The fair ninja strives to become the world's first trading platform for trading goods and services without payment, language, support barriers. The goal is to expand the functionality of the online classification platform in each country to new international audiences, offering individual customers a wide range of products and services widely and easily and
transactional.In order to ensure the flow of goods and services with freedom of effort and without fail, a fair ninja offers the ability for users to conduct transactions with the cryptability of the currency. Not just for online advertising, ERC and Yoshi are the first complete solution in a compatible -20 encryption currency.
Information about tokenzel
The main ICO is planned for the second quarter of 2018.
His name is Yoshi
Ticker. Symbol: YSH.
Total: 500 million YSH.
50%: token. Available for sale.
Softkap: $ 5,000,000.
Hardcap: 23.25 million dollars
to ICO: 0.08 USD
ICO token price: 0.1 USD
Company Bounty
Gift distribution:. Gift campaign * Dedicated 10 000 signatures on the mark
campaign · Bounty 15%
Campaign Video / Media / Articles Bounty 20% Bounty Facebook campaign for 10% Bounty campaign
Bounty Transfer Camp (ANN, Website, White Paper) 15%
Telegram BA STI Campaign 5%
Bounty Campaign for Reddit 5%
Bounty LinkedIn Campaign, 5%
Basic Rules
Rates 23:59, distributed weekly, weekly Tuesday It will be. The first week of awards in the campaign starts on 23/04/18. For questions about bonus campaigns, please contact the developer ( The developer has the right to exclude you if you think that you are deceiving your work. Developers are eligible to change the reward rule in the campaign.

For more information please click the link below :


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