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STRYKZ. The token for all football fans

We tokenize fantasy sports, starting with football and our own platform Football-Stars. Our vision is to bring sports fans all over the world as close to the real action as they can get.

Our Platform:
Stryking’s platform Football-Stars is live with strong partnerships e.g. Germany’s biggest football website ‘kicker’.
STRYKZ token
The new STRYKZ token will have an in-game utility to enable new features that encourage greater user participation, making Football-Stars into a real community-driven and scalable fantasy sports platform.
We will be constantly teaming up with many more partners who will also accept STRYKZ in return for exceptional football fan experiences and products.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
The Football-Stars platform is not just an engaging online fantasy gaming experience; it is also a PaaS that is adaptable to almost any sport, market and language.

Fantasy Football

a huge and largely untapped market

Fantasy sports are already huge in the NA markets but only for American sports like American football, baseball or basketball.
With over 3.5 billion fans, football (soccer) is by far the most popular sport worldwide and now with detailed performance data being available, there is still no big fantasy sports operator for football. There are huge untapped markets for fantasy football: The European market is by far not fully developed while the Asian market has just started to open up.
But fantasy football is starting to scale up and Stryking aims to become a leading player in this growing market.

Strykz Fantasy Football Stats

Strykz Football-Stars powered by Kicker

Our award-winning platform

Awards & Partners

Introducing STRYKZ

Football-Stars will expand into being a community driven platform, with the STRYKZ token serving as an incentive for users to generate large parts of the content. This will be a self reinforcing loop: Users will be rewarded with STRYKZ for contributing either content or to the growth of its community and can spend the token for various functionalities. Additionally, the users can use their STRYKZ to play user-generated token-based challenges.
As Football-Stars and the family of Stryking PaaS and white-label games grow, we will see huge potential to further develop and increase market adoption of the STRYKZ token. One of the many potential uses of the token is to provide a shopping cart that enable fan-shops and club-shops to sell merchandise using STRYKZ.
How it works - Strykz Token

STRYKZ Token Distribution

In the Token Sale Event, the allocation of STRYKZ issued will be as follows:

Strykz Token Distribution
Token NameSTRYKZ
Token Sale Timeline27 June – 29 July
Token IssuedEquivalent of about 20m USD, will be fixed in ETH shortly before the Token Sale Event commences.
Token Price0.0001 ETH
Soft Cap4m USD (will be fixed in ETH shortly before Token Sale Event)
Hard Cap20m USD (will be fixed in ETH shortly before Token Sale Event)
BonusBonus allocations are only available in the private pre-sale phase
Accepted CurrenciesETH, RKT


  • Q3 2016
    Football-Stars is born with Bundesliga license
  • Q3 2017
    Launch of new version with kicker partnership for new season 2017/18
  • Q4 2017
    Launched first white-label version with
  • Q2 2018
    Token Sale Event
  • Q2 2018
    Launch of special edition for FIFA World Cup 2018
  • Q3/Q4 2018
    Launch of Football-Stars 2.0 with enhanced token functionalities.
  • Q1 2019
    Launch into Asian market and integration of first STRYKZ partner
  • Next Steps
    Spread STRYKZ globally and tokenize sports

Our Team


Dirk Weyel
Founder & CEO
Christian Szymanski
Co-Founder & CMO
Hong Thieu

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  • The STRYKZ Telegram World Cup Prediction Game
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  • Connect your Telegram & Football-Stars account and be rewarded with the STRYKZ Token
    Tue, 19 Jun 2018 15:29:07 GMT
  • STRYKZ Whitelist Registrees Get Early Access And Bonus
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  • STRYKZ token sale to be held on Stryking’s website on the 29th June 2018
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