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APESWAP: A New Journey of AMM Decentralized Exchange


ApeSwap is an Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on Binance Smart Chain (forked from PancakeSwap). ApeSwap was built by DeFi Apes, for DeFi Apes. We have a dedicated team of experienced monkeys, who have been in the crypto space for years. $BANANA is the native currency of our platform. Stake, pool, and earn $BANANA all on ApeSwap.

DeFi which is otherwise known as Decentralized Finance has been a big blessing to the blockchain industry and the world at large. As we know cryptocurrency serves as a decentralized store of value that is secured, DeFi creates a decentralized financial instrument free from traditional centralized institutions. The DeFi world has seen rapid growth in 2020, back in 2019 the worth of the DeFi industry was $275M. But by Feb 2020 it value grew significantly totalling $2.5B in early July, $3B by mid-July, and $4B on the 25 of July. This growth rate indicates the rise in interest of the masses in DeFi.

Just like the ICO boom of 2017–2018, they have been a rise in scam project within the DeFi space. This scam project has taken advantage of the rise in popularity of the DeFi industry. The people most affected are, newcomers, into the DeFi space who haven’t or cannot properly research these projects. As a writer in the blockchain industry, I have decided to create this post to help newcomers in identifying legit and genuine projects. They are a lot of them out there. Today I would be talking about one of the best I have come across. I must say this project is one of the DeFi project survivors of 2021.


$BANANA is the native currency to ApeSwap. It’s required to participate in most of our initiatives, liquidity mining campaigns, and liquidity pools.


Community: We are DeFi Apes, and we have to look out for each other. A robust, vibrant, and happy community is the #1 priority for keeping ApeSwap thriving. We joke about monkeys and bananas, but at the end of the day, our community is top of mind.

$BANANA Utility: Our dev apes will continue working furiously to implement new features to get the most use out of your $BANANA! We understand the importance of creating utility, holding patterns, and demand for our dear Apes

Collaborations: We understand the importance of working with other #BSC projects in the space. We are actively looking and discussing projects across space to land mutually beneficial partnerships.


Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is the place to be in DeFi at the moment, no question about it. You only have to witness the sheer number of pancake-swap style Automated Market Makers (AMM’s) launching every single day to see how fast space is growing.

Secured Code: No Rugs:

ApeSwap Finance was to add a 24 hour time lock to our smart contract and remove all migratory code (i.e., the infamous “rug pull code”). This means, even if one of our apes went rogue (they won’t) and tried to maliciously amend the smart contract, you would be able to see the change 24 hours before it was auctioned. Therefore, there would be ZERO benefits to anyone in trying to make such a change. Everyone would have plenty of time to leave the jungle with their $BANANAS before the change could be executed. Plus no migratory function! There will be no rugs


Smart contract audits cost a considerable amount of money. More than bunches and bunches and bunches of $BANANAS could cover. Still, the safety of our apes’ funds is the most important consideration to us and we know how important quality audits are to you. So, we’ve had not only one, but TWO audits conducted.


Apes are friendly creatures we love a partnership and we’ve had not one, but TWO huge (socially distanced!) parties in the jungle in the last couple of weeks as we welcomed and Beefy Finance to the ApeSwap family.

Banana Drives:

The first $BANANA Drive was opened to accept donations in $BANANA and other tokens over a 3-day period, and we raised over $4,000 for our sweet ape.


To prove our commitment to the project, we will be using 100% of our revenue to buy back and burn. There is a 0.3% fee on any swap (standard for all DEX’s), 0.05% of each transaction goes to the ApeSwap Treasury. During our first 3 months, 100% of our ApeSwap Treasury will be used to buy back and burn $BANANA. Once this period ends we will reevaluate the best use of these funds with the community. Aim to deliver regular, consistent, and large burns for you all. As much as apes LOVE $BANANAS, we love our fellow apes even more, and we know token value is important to you. So you keep farming’ and we’ll keep burning

Gamified Burning:

Apes, we have a lot of fun $BANANA games coming up! The first is the ApeSwap lottery, in which we will burn 20% of $BANANA each round. Not only will some lucky Apes be swimming in $BANANA, but the entire Ape community will benefit from the burn Compound Vaults with a 0.05%-0.1% Withdrawal Fee that goes towards buyback/burn

For More Information Please Kindly Visit The Links Below:









                   ETH: 0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306


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