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Goldmine Network


DeFi Ecosystem Built on Binance Smart Chain


Cryptocurrency as we know is the latest trend in this era (Digital) today. It is a type of currency which is made virtual. It is otherwise called digital cash. The first of it kind, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, Goldmine Network Decentralized Finance is one of the most popular financial concepts today, based on decentralized Blockchain technology making DeFi a solution to various financial problems that occur today.

The world is moving fast. Things are changing by the day even as different technologies are emerging. 2008 witnessed rapid decline in the world’s economy, leaving so many on a crossroad with the big question, where do we go from here? From 2009, the fortune of the world’s commercial operations has been confidently innovative to a level of competition and technological advancement, with the institution of the Blockchain technology combined with the Goldmine Network, on Binance Smart Chain, which has demonstrated to be consistent and self-sufficient against the previous conventional institutions. From experiential sources, it has been established that cryptocurrency is developing asset class management industry; it has long been held that supernumerary investments are an important module in portfolio management.

Cryptocurrency has helped move the world economic and financial sector to a new level. It impact can also be felt in other sector in the world. 

With Goldmine Network, 

transactions has been made easier, faster and secured. More so, cross border transaction has been made possible a little or no cost. It has proven to be a genuine form of currency.

Goldmine Features

Goldmine is a platform built specifically for passive earnings. Goldmine is built based on the Goldmine Network protocol which is very secure and anonymous. Users don’t need to worry about their transactions, because all transactions will be secured with smart contracts that are audited directly by the Grox Solutions platform, a trusted and experienced audit team.

The following are features of Goldmine:

1. Unlimited earnings:

As previously explained, this is one of Goldmine’s features that allow users to earn passive income with growth rates.

2. Goldmine smart-contract reliability:

Users don’t need to worry about their funds, because all user funds will be secured with a reliable smart contract that has been audited by the Grox Solutions platform.

3. Decentralized Systems:

Goldmine operates with a decentralized system, in which no single entity regulates the circulation of the GMNE token.

GMNE Token

GMNE is a token launched by Goldmine and will serve as a payment in a platform or a third party. GMNE is based on Binance BEP-20 with a total supply of 976,060,946,027499 GMNE. This token will be used by users to stake and get dividends. Investors can get these tokens through available exchanges such as Pancakeswap. The following are details from GMNE:


Q1 2021

The origin of the Goldmine Network concept and the creation of a token


Q2 2021

Placement on pancakeswap

Listing on Coingecko, Coinmarketcap and Trustwallet

Launch of the Goldmine Network web platform for staking and farming.

Q3 2021

Listing on 1-inch exchange and Bakeryswap

Goldmine DEX Beta Implementation

Launch Goldmine DEX with an airdrop

Listing on MXC and Hotbit exchanges

Q4 2021

Further development of the platform to include additional DeFi options.

Inclusion of the NFT trading platform in Goldmine DEX

Q1 2022

Listing on two more major exchanges.

Launch Goldmine Bank (Lending / Asset Borrowing Platform)

Q2 2022

Start developing the Goldmine Network (GoldChain)

Introduce a new governance token for the Gold Chain

Start Mining Event for Management Token

Q3 2022

Launch of the Goldmine Network Chain (GoldChain) test network

Q4 2022

Listing on Binance and other major exchanges.

Start main network

Start swapping bep20 GMNE tokens on GoldChain Mainnet.


So, I introduced the most general way about this project, all the necessary information is collected in the article. Knowing that GoldMine Network is a wonderful thing, the project has many interesting points and I think that their products will certainly be well received by users. In addition, the partnerships with GoldMine Network are also very good, GoldMine Network has many programs to promote itself and nothing is promoting itself better than themselves should be a great and potential project and I found that GoldMine Network. Hopefully the GoldMine Network will post more information related to this token soon, I firmly believe many people are looking forward to it.

The GoldMine Network ecosystem is unique and revolutionary. Their ecosystem is built for passive income.


DK | Founder


Hailing from Singapore , he started with running his own YouTube channel and slowly got into the crypto world, got interested and decided to run a crypto focused community that helps people know about up and coming projects.



Hailing from India, he got into crypto at the start of 2017 bull run. He saw many projects coming up with Innovative ideas but about whom people had no idea about. So, he decided to form a platform where projects can pitch themselves and also advertise to thousands of people about why their product is attractive.

Peter Smith


Hailing from India, he has been working for the community since 2019. He is a trader and started crypto in mid 2020 during the lockdown period. He has profited the Decentralized Club community a lot since he joined and continues to do so.


                   ETH: 0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306


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