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BucksCake Finance Company


Today there are many crypto-projects on the market that are technologically advanced, have interesting economic models or ideological background, but very few of them were created to fulfil the actual business needs of commercial enterprises of the real world. This leads to a very weak adoption of crypto-currencies in the real business world.

There is a massive influx of Blockchain Technologies available in today’s market since the birth of Bitcoin. It’s been a decade, but there is still limited implementation of the technology in the core enterprise process due to a lack of requirements in terms of scalability, flexibility, privacy and security. Tech Giants such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle are competing to develop Blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solution that allows both large enterprises and businesses to implement, build and customize their own concept of centralized/decentralized applications. A new generation of Blockchain Technology has built to solve the above challenges and is ready for future mass adoption.

What is BucksCake's Project all about?

BKC is a DeFi protocol that aims to provide maximal recoil of the Ethereum ecosystem for everyone with access to the internet. BKC is unique by it's providing a completely secure and transparent experience proved by smart contracts and a powerful token system. BKC offers a lot of services, ranging from staking and yield farming, that users can get access on the unified BucksCake platform.

BucksCake's Features:


Users are interested in placing their tokens with the liquidity provider Uniswap. Commissions from these tokens are farmed. The percentage of these commissions is distributed according to an autonomous strategy, like the liquidity of the LP token, and is converted into (ETH-BKC) buyback (increasing the price). Any purchased BKC tokens will be delivered to speakers/farmers.


BKC has a strong impact on every token. Every time BKC token is transferred, a small commission is charged straightly by the farmers. This mechanism of work encourages holding and farming. The maximum number of BKC tokens is 450,000 units. And there will never be more of them.


BKC holders will be able to vote on various proposals as long as they have staked liquidity in the pools. The community will decide everything from developer fees and site design to access to specific farming options.

Token Distribution

Initial BKCs will be distributed during a pre-sale event, during which a part of the received ETH will be swapped for BKC giving the project its first "price pump". After the pre-sale ends, Unsold BKCs will be distributed between users as a one-time subsidy. As marked earlier, BKC doesn't have mining capability, the BKC cap (450,000) is fixed forever. There is no way to release more BKC. Part of unsold BKCs will be used to add liquidity to other DEX platforms such as SushiSwap, and some of them will be handed out as Airdrop to first investors and media partners and some will be burned.

Token Staking

The BKC staking protocol allows users to stake ETH, USDT, DAI, USDC, WBTC, BNB(ERC20) and of course BKC using a specialized Staking DApp. By a locking period of 72 hours, users can directly control their own tokens. The BKC Staking DApp can be found at: ssilka Unlike other platforms, BKC offers a fixed % return on their staked assets rather than offering an introductory high APR, which usually diminishes over a while. Our deductions guarantee long-term stability with the current state of the token structure and a limited amount of 450,000 BKC as there is not a mint provision in our token contract.

Staking on our platform is designed to be as fast and understandable as possible. With a single lockup period of 72 hours, users can enjoy the benefits of taking on our platform. Users can withdraw their funds with the received profit at any time after the end of the lockup period. Earned rewards can be collected without any commissions, excluding the gas price at a present time. Staked tokens on our platform will decrease the available circulating supply, which will have a positive impact on the BKC price.

Yield farming

Yield Farming, or as some call it Liquidity Mining, is the main pillar of DeFi's advancement in the blockchain space. Yield Farming is a way to accumulate income from invested funds. BKC Farming allows you to earn rewards for providing liquidity in various liquidity pools. Users will be provided with guaranteed payouts from Uniswap commissions. The amount of the reward depends on the number of tokens provided for the liquidity of the pool. The more members join the pool, the less each member will receive in the long term. When you add liquidity to the pool, you receive a UNIv2 (BKC-ETH) token for the wallet you use to add liquidity. This token is your access to the current farming pool on the BKC platform.

Vault Returns

User A's Share: (UNI-V2 deposited by you I contract total balance of UNI-V2) For example if there are 9000 UNI-V2 (BKC/ETH) Pooled tokens in this Vault, and a user deposits 1000 UNI-V2. The contract's total balance of UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens becomes 10,000. And User A's share now is: 1000 / 10,000 = 10 % If user "B" deposits 10000 more UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens to this vault, the contract's total balance of UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens becomes 20,000. User A's new share becomes: 1000 / 20,000 = 5% If 200 BETH2 tokens are distributed to this vault per month, User A's earnings would be 200 x his share in % At 5% share, the earnings would be 200 x 5% = 10 BETH2

BKC Token

BKC is an ERC20 token and is used in every service available on BucksCake. The maximum supply is 450,000 BKC tokens. The token is deflationary and the burning mechanism will destroy the tokens that are on farming and staking after a while, leaving the final number of tokens (450,000-90,000) tokens. In total, up to 90,000 tokens will be removed from the ecosystem and a report on this will be published in our communities.

BKC Token Allocation

Pre-sale: 94,500 BKC - 21%
Community: 135,000 BKC - 30%
Staking: 90,000 BKC - 20%
Liquidity Lock: 90,000 BKC - 20%
Marketing: 9,000 BKC - 2%
Team: 22,500 BKC - 5%
Reserve: 9,000 BKC - 2%

Stable Profit Cloud Mining
For the last year, miner's earnings have grown significantly. Our platform allows you to get profit from mining without additional equipment.

For more information, kindly visit any of the links below

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                   ETH: 0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306


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