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FreeZone Bounty Program
FreeZone bounty campaign will be explained in details below. The total allocation for the bounty is 1% of total token supply sold. This means that if all 500,000,000 tokens are sold - 5,000,000 will be distributed amongst bounty participants. With the initial price of 0.2 USD, it means that the value of the bounty prize pool could be stunning 1,000,000 USD!
The Stake System
Bounty participants will be split into bounty pools based on their method of contribution with each pool having its own distribution MOG tokens. The fairest way to share the tokens in the bounty is by using the “stakes” system.
You will be awarded "stakes" for each task you successfully complete in each pool. At the end of the token sale, the entire value of the pool will be distributed to the stakeholders based on the number of stakes they hold.
General Rules
The campaign will end when ICO finishes or when we sell all tokens. This means that the Bounty will end on April 20th, or before if all tokens are sold.
Stakes allocation per bounty:
Translation and Moderation- 20%

Reddit - 10%
Twitter - 10%
Facebook - 10%
Blogs and Video Reviews - 25%
Telegram for individuals - 5%
Telegram for groups - 10%
Influencers - 5%
Bonus - 5%
Dates per week
Any submission of the shares/posts on this bounty thread before and beyond inclusive dates of each week will not be counted.
Week 1 - February 27, 2018 - March 4, 2018
Week 2 - March 5, 2018 - March 11, 2018
Week 3 - March 12, 2018 - March 18, 2018
Week 4 - March 19, 2018 - March 25, 2018
Week 5 - March 26, 2018 - April 1, 2018
Week 6 - April 2, 2018 - April 8, 2018
Week 7 - April 9, 2018 - April 15, 2018
Week 8 - April 16, 2018 - April 20, 2018
Once a week our bounty-manager will be checking and renewing your status in the spreadsheet. Weeks will start on Monday (00:00 GMT) and end on Sundays (23:59 GMT).
You can join the Bounty Campaign at any time, but you can’t get stakes for the weeks that you have missed. Naturally, the sooner you do it, the more tokens you will get.
The final spreadsheet stating all the tokens earned by each partner will be available within ten days after the end date of ICO.
Each participant will be personally notified by email when the tokens are sent.
If you have any questions, just send us an email to or contact @RatkoStambolija on Telegram.
The following rules are mandatory for all participants of the bounty.
1. Join our Telegram channel:
2. Like our Facebook page:
3. Follow us on Twitter:

Editable whitepaper:
Editable website text:
Website translation: 500 stakes
Whitepaper translation: 1000 stakes
ANN Thread and Bounty thread translation: 150 stakes each
Moderation: 5 stakes for each post (only OP)
To reserve a language please post your interest with some of your previous translation work or contact the bounty manager at @ratkostambolija on Telegram or by email -
Needed Languages

After finishing your translation, fill in this form with your translation and other details:
Spreadsheet of completed translations:
Rules and Terms:
1: Translations must be original, using any kind of tools such as Google Translate is not allowed. If found the translator will be blacklisted.
2: ANN thread translator will be responsible for the moderation as well (we have additional rewards for moderation). The translator must keep the thread active by translation of official announcements, news, posts.
Always ask before beginning translation and post your previous translation work.
3: Translations must be delivered within 10 days of reservation. We only accept translation reservations for the first two weeks.
4: Manager and owners reserve the rights to add rules, or do any kind of reasonable changes.
Help us spread the word about FreeZone on Reddit. We have decided to give a really high number of stakes as an incentive for all of you to promote us on Reddit.
Apply to join the campaign here:
10 upvotes on your post: 5 stakes
20 upvotes on your post: 10 stakes
50 upvotes on your post: 20 stakes
100 upvotes on your post: 50 stakes
300 upvotes on your post: 100 stakes
1. For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the following subreddits, or cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/ico, r/icoanalysis, r/cryptocurrency.
2. Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted. Any kind of spam will not be rewarded either.
3. Bonus stakes will be awarded when comments or posts have at least 10 upvotes.
4. External posts should link to

5. Share the URL to the Reddit post you made in Bounty Topic.
View the list of participants and rewards here:
Apply to join the campaign here:
1. Follow our official Twitter Account
2. Your twitter account must have at least 100 real followers.
3. Only one twitter account per person is allowed.
4. You need to have at least 80% real followers (we will use for checking)
5. You have to retweet at least 5 tweets per week from our Official twitter account @FreeZone_ico
6. You have to post at least 2 tweets per week about FreeZone with the hashtag #FreeZoneTokenSALE. Max 1 tweet per day.

7. Tweets need to be posted here every week.
View the list of participants and rewards here:
Note: We check tweets and retweets manually, so please be patient.
100 - 299 real followers: 2 stakes/week
300 - 999 real followers: 4 stakes/week
1000 - 3999 real followers: 6 stakes/week
4000 - 9999 real followers: 8 stakes/week
10000+ real followers: 10 stakes/week
Apply to join the campaign here:
1. Follow and Like the official FreeZone facebook page:
2. Only one Facebook account per person is allowed.
3. Users must have at least 300 friends.
4. You have to like and repost at least 4 posts per week from our official facebook page
5. All posts need to be set to PUBLIC
6. You have to make at least 2 posts per week about FreeZone, with the hashtag #FreeZoneTokenSale.  Only 1 post per day allowed.
7. Posts must be posted here every week.
View the list of participants and rewards here:
300 - 600 friends: 4 stakes/week
601 - 1500 friends: 6 stakes/week
1501 - 4000 friends: 8 stakes/week
4001+ friends: 10 stakes/week
Blog/Article and Video Reviews
1. The article/review/blog post must have at least 500 words.
2. Your text must be original. Copying and stealing other people’s content brings to disqualification.
3. The audience for the posted article must be crypto related or match a use for FreeZone or promote the token sale to a suitable audience.
4. The website must have a genuine audience.
5. Medium, Steemit and other free Blogs are allowed. but one person can only write 1 Article in each of these.
6. Five articles allowed in premium blogs and websites with .com, .net. .org etc domains.

7. Article/review/blog post must contain at least 1 link to the ICO FreeZone website: and one link to FreeZone Whitepaper: Paper.pdf
All articles, reviews, blog posts should also contain certain keywords or tags, like:  FreeZone, Bitcoin, Token Sale, cryptocurrency, coin.  You should also include links to our social media pages for readers to follow us.  Here are the social media links to include:
Headlines for all articles/blog/review posts must be SEO friendly and contain the keywords FreeZone ICO.
Writers should familiarize themselves with the official white papers to ensure an accurate depiction of FreeZone's strategy, features, uses, and technology.
View the list of participants and rewards here:
We are giving a huge number of stakes to motivate users to create videos about FreeZone ICO.
Submit the videos here:
Describe FreeZone, ICO and it's features.
Video must be in good resolution.
Video length must be minimum 60 seconds.
You can upload them on Youtube and other sites.
3 videos is a maximum per person.
We will give stakes according to the quality and audience of the article/review/blog post/video. The better it is, more stakes you receive. The amount of stakes assigned is non-negotiable.
View stakes assigned here:
Estimated Rewards (per item):
Normal quality & audience: 100 stakes
Medium quality & audience: 300 stakes
High quality & audience: 500 stakes
Superb quality & audience: 1000 stakes
You can promote the crowdfunding ICO, or the concept, but you can also promote the Bounty Program itself to bloggers and social media influencers. The larger the audience and growth of FreeZone, the greater the value of your FreeZone token will be on the exchanges.  
Telegram (for individuals)
Join our channel and get stakes!
Each member that joins will receive 40 stakes. Members must stay in the group until the end of the campaign. This is a one-time offer.
All those users that stay active until the end of the bounty by posting constructive messages and encourage discussion will receive additional 100 stakes.
View stakes assigned here:
Telegram (for Group owners)
Help us spread the word on Telegram! If you are an admin in cryptocurrency related group on Telegram, write three posts about FreeZone with the following link - and get a high number of stakes!
1. Invite @RatkoStambolija to the group
2. Once approved you will receive a pitch to post in the group

4. Upload the screenshot (using imgur, postimage or similar) and send the screenshot on telegram: @RatkoStambolija with "Telegram week X”, where the "X" is a week number.
1. A maximum of 2 posts per week are allowed in each group

2. Groups with fake members (invited without permission) will be disqualified
The number of stakes will be distributed according to the following schedule:
Groups with 1,000 – 2,000 members: 500 stakes
Groups with 2,000 – 5,000 members: 1000 stakes
Groups with 5,000 – 10,000 members: 1500 stakes
Groups with more than 10,000 members: 2000 stakes
View stakes assigned:
We are looking for partners for further promotion of our ICO. If you are a social media influencer, group administrator, newsletter owner, journalist, or you can help us promote our project in any other way please contact us on
Bounty Program Terms and Conditions
FreeZone reserves the right to accept or reject any new participants during or after token launch. Be sure to read all terms and conditions before sending us any submission. If you send us a submission for this bounty program, you are agreeing to these terms. If you do not want to agree with these terms, do not send us any submissions or otherwise participate in this bounty program.
You are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age and have full capacity to accept these terms.
You are confirming the details you submitted are true and accurate.
You acknowledge that if you accept your bounty, you are solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting the bounty and any required reporting obligations.
You acknowledge that you must use proper language in all publicity materials.
You acknowledge and agree to take all commercially reasonable measures to ensure that the goodwill and reputation of FreeZone is preserved and protected.
FreeZone has the absolute discretion to determine whether the bounty conditions have been met. Any disputes or claim arising out or in connection with the bounty program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Russia.
1. You have to fill the Application form in order to claim the bounty at the end of the campaign.
2. Bounty will be paid out by FreeZone Team within 14 days from the ICO end date


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