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Introducing Digipharm: Bringing Value Based Healthcare to Life Using Blockchain Technology

The Digipharm team is pleased to present our official whitepaper. We invite you to view it by visiting our website at:
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Who We Are

Digipharm will enable the restructure of healthcare by merging industry expertise and next generation technology. Our success will be measured by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and a strong DPH token utility.

The Problem

Inherent flaws and infrastructural limitations of the global healthcare systems result in substantial inefficiency, wastage and sub-optimal health outcomes for the most important stakeholder; the patient.
Innovative pricing models provide viable solutions to the aforementioned problems. Unfortunately, most healthcare providers or payers around the world lack the relevant infrastructure to track and implement outcomes based pricing agreements, and so are shy in adopting innovative pricing contracts and policies. In healthcare today, there is a lack of incentive for health systems and providers to focus on mutually beneficial collaboration and the maximization of patient outcomes. Though it is widely agreed that the transition to value based pricing is necessary, progress in doing so has been slow.
In addition to the barriers in implementing outcome based pricing, patient data is fragmented. The lack of easily accessible and comprehensive real world evidence (RWE) data currently prevents stakeholders in healthcare to evaluate the real time performance and value provided by therapy in real life clinical practice as part of a value based healthcare delivery system.

Digipharm’s Flagship Solutions

By using public and private blockchains, we will facilitate and accelerate the restructure of healthcare to a value based model, and improve patient outcomes by providing access to real world evidence. Digipharm’s dynamic ecosystem features two platforms- Reimburse and Insights.
Thus far, the biggest hurdle in moving away from the inefficient fee for service pricing models has been infrastructural limitations. Reimburse will allow patients, providers, and health authorities to align in a way that mitigates risk and improves patient outcomes through outcome based pricing. Using smart contracts, Reimburse will facilitate real time application of personalized and performance based innovative pricing solutions between payers and manufacturers. Seamless integration with existing health information systems and administrative infrastructure of participating institutions will eliminate the need for manual data handling and processing of pricing agreements. The Reimburse platform will drastically reduce administrative costs currently associated with the implementation of value-based pricing schemes and potentially revolutionize drug pricing and healthcare provision as we know it today.
Insights is the world’s first live real world evidence (RWE) data repository. Anonymized data from the Reimburse platform will be extracted to create this repository. Additional health related data such as genomic data will also be linked to the Insights platform in partnership with leading evidence providers in the industry, to create an unparalleled health data marketplace in preparation for a value-based, data-driven future of healthcare. The use of cryptographically encrypted blockchain technology also eliminates all patient privacy and data security concerns that affect current RWE generation systems. RWE is playing an increasingly influential role in informing decision making within the healthcare industry and yet the delay of RWE outputs, the expenses of data access and the current methods of data collection negate many of the benefits of utilizing these rich data resources.
Insights will provide a symbiotic solution with Reimburse to complement the progressive transformation towards value based healthcare delivery systems. The development of a ‘live’ evidence repository will allow the integration of knowledge back in to the delivery system in real time to facilitate drug development, health related research and post marketing studies.
Digipharm aims to be the pioneer of sustainable and value-based healthcare delivery, innovative evidence generation and patient empowerment across the healthcare industry. We invite you to be a part of this meaningful journey.
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