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FROSHFEEL - Decentralized Peer-To-Peer Student Platform

Foto froshfeel.

Greetings Community,

Our reach is endless

froshfeel provides a decentralized peer-to-peer student platform where students, businesses, professionals, institutions and educators can interact with each other at the level of education in the social environment. By introducing blockchain technology, froshfeel announces that it is a decentralized currency - fro. froshfeel allows students to pay partners, institutions, educators and businesses such as student accommodation, textbooks, student flights, concert tickets, restaurants, clothing and more categories directly through their mobile phones with froins anywhere in the world.


With the current crypto revolution, froshfeel introduces its own cryptocurrency called froins that can be used directly on the froshfeel platform to purchase digital goods, physical goods and services from various business partners. Token froins are standard ERC-20 standard etiquette barrier.

Where can it be used to freeze?

  • ICO
  • ICO Start Date:1 April (00:00 GMT)
  • ICO End Date:30 April (23:59 GMT)
  • Price per Coin:1 USD = 1 FROIN
  • Coin Exchange Rate:1 ETH = 1000 FROINS
  • Minimum Purchase Amount:0.1 ETH / 0.01 BTC
  • Accepted Form of Payment:ETH / BTC

ICO rounds

Coin Distribution

Bounty/partners/advisors: 6% allocated
15 000 000 (fifteen million/6%) froins dedicated to distribute towards early investors and advisors as well as a bounty program.

Reserve: 10% allocated
25 000 000 (twenty five million/10%) froins will be kept within a reserve fund. The primary goal of the reserve fund is to incentivize new users to join the froshfeel platform.

Founders: 10% allocated
25 000 000 (twenty five million/10%) froins will be frozen for 1 year and thereafter can be released to the founders of froshfeel.

Public: 74% allocated
185 000 000 (one hundred and eighty five million/74%) froins will be available to the public. This will be made available during the pre-ICO and the ICO. This includes the froins give away as bonuses during the ICO. Any froins unsold during this period will not be generated (burned).

For More Information:


The bitcointalk name :;u=1011357


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