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KWHCoin is a blockchain-based community, ecosystem and cryptocurrency backed by units of clean, renewable energy. Physical units of kWh energy are leveraged from multiple sources including smart meters, sensor readings and green button data. This measurable output is tokenized on the blockchain to create KWH tokens.

This bounty campaign will last for 8 weeks. We will reward 200 000 USD worth of KWH coin through the bounty program. Tokens will be rewarded through Bancor at the end. Previous participants on the Bancor app will recieve previous week’s tokens but they will have to sign up again. Reward system may change if we do not reach desired number of participants.


Bounty Allocation

Signature Bounty 40%

Youtube/Blogging/Articles Bounty 30%
Twitter Bounty 20%
Alternative Energy Partnerships and Ideas 10%

General Rules

Signature stakes will be distributed every week, other stakes will be calculated end of the campaign.
First week of the bounty campaign will start on 15th of December, Monday..
For any questions regarding the bounty campaign, write a post to this thread.
We reserve our right to eliminate you if we think you haven't been honest with your work.
We reserve the right to change bounty campaign rules.

Signature Campaign
Weekly Rewards:
Jr. Member: 0,50 stake per week
Member: 0,75 stake per week
Full Member: 1 stake per week (+0.25 stake for avatar)
Senior Member: 1,5 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar)
Hero Member: 2 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar)
Legendary: 2,25 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar)

Signature Campaign Rules:

Participants have to be at least Jr. Member.
Every participants must wear our signature and personal text.
Multiple accounts will be banned if spotted. Spam is not allowed.
We expect you to post 10 constructive posts per week. Only 3 of these posts can be in local boards.
Posts should be made in altcoin sections, local board included (excluding bounties sections).
You will have to keep wearing our signature, avatar and personal text until the end of the first round.
Do not fill the form without wearing our signature, or you will be rejected.


Avatar, personal text and signature codes are on the second post of this thread.

Youtube/Blogging/Article Campaign

Youtube videos must be at least 2 minutes long. You must have at least 50 organic subscribers.
You should have links to our website and whitepaper.
Your Medium/ or any other free blogging blog page should have at least 300 followers. Your article must be original and contain at least 500 words.
You will get stakes based on the quality and popularity of your work, reviewed at the end of the campaign.

Submit your publications to
Spreadsheet of accepted works:

Twitter Campaign

All participants must follow our official Twitter account.

Your audit score must be more than 90%.

We will check every participant to make sure their Twitter account is genuine.
Your Twitter account must be mainly about cryptocurrencies. We will also accept media personalities.
You have to have at least 100 real followers.

Everyone has to report their custom Tweets, Likes and Retweets every week.
You can report max 3 Retweets and Likes and max 2 custom Tweets.
To help with this, we will add dates on the Twitter spreadsheet on weeks.

Stakes: (stakes double if you have more than 10 000 followers)
We will accept anyone with more than %90 audit score.
If you have more than 1000 followers you'll get:
- 0.5 stake for retweeting
- 0.5 stake for like
- 3 stake for custom tweet 
If you have less than 1000 followers you'll get:
- 0.25 stake for retweeting
- 0.25 stake for like
- 1.5 stake for custom tweet
2 costum tweets per user for a single week.


Alternative Energy Partnerships and Ideas

This bounty is reserved for alternative energy providers and innovators that would like to integrate with the KWHCoin ecosystem. Whether your project is in development or currently operational, please submit your project᎙s goals, vision, proposed location and other pertinent information via a Google Doc or Word document, for consideration. Pictures, videos and other multimedia content is also encouraged. The team will review all submissions and select top entrants based off this criteria."!

Apply: -

BTT :;u=1011357


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