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Loyakk Vega - Blockchain-enabled Enterprise Relationship Platform


Loyakk Vega is a Platform that focuses on providing decentralized business relationships based on the renewable and sustainable Blockchain technology. Loyakk Vega allows companies that work with this platform To be able to exchange information and data quickly and safely. Companies can build on each other and gain important value from the exchange of information among cooperating firms, and it will enable a significant increase in the economic sector.
Getting Started Development
The team from Loyakk Vega developed this platform using an integrated and sustainable system and using Blockchain technology as its development base. Loyakk Vega embraces proprietary patent-pending blockchain technology, which will be a solution to the problem of information exchange between companies. Loyakk Vega provides cutting-edge technology to address gaps that exist between business relationships, with modern business-to-business engagement across the industry. With such a system, Loyakk Vega enables efficient and sustainable business collaboration within a decentralized economy.
Loyakk Vega Use a smart contract system that will record all transactions and data going on inside this Platform so that anyone can view data that has been recorded in a transparent manner. Any data generated will be secured, allowed to use, verifiable and unchanged. Companies that contribute and are directly involved in this system will be able to connect directly, interact, exchange data securely, and reward with their various partners and customers in the business network they have formed. The Loyakk team also developed a token called Loyakk tokens, which is required in transactions and interact directly with business networks or other companies, within the Loyakk Vega Platform
Why Blockchain
The blockchain is a public, distributed ledger of all transactions in a given system. It constantly grows as completed blocks (transactional information) is added to it. These blocks are built in a linear and chronological order through cryptography. Being a public system, information stored on the blockchain is readily available to all users; anytime, anywhere. However, its distributed nature ensures that this information is tamper - proof and immutable. The blockchain is rapidly permeating global economic systems - lowering costs, reducing risk, enhancing efficiency, and ushering new - found levels of trust through disintermediation of services. One sector that is being revolutionized by this emerging technology is the financial sector. The advent of blockchain technology has shed light on a lot of transactions through direct peer-to-peer transactions, bypassing traditional intermediaries. The global financial system is enormous, requiring massive coordinated manpower and resources just to process a single transaction. Intermediaries are always required to send, receive and verify transactions, resulting in a slow and cumbersome process. These are often, more often, targets of fraud and fraudulent activities which have resulted in very restrictive regulations being instated and overalls higher costs for everyone. The global financial crisis of 2008 - 09 - the worst economic disaster from the Great Depression of 1929 - brought untold hardships to millions all over the world and a credit crunch that we are yet to recover from. Global economic growth is yet to return to the rates it saw before the financial crisis. Most companies have been forced to restructure and lay off workers; unemployment rates are still too high. Blockchain's elimination of third parties and immutability is facilitating a paradigm shift towards a more secure, transparent, and decentralized banking system that firmly places control back into the hands of the users.
In Conclusion
Loyakk Vega believes that with a solid and reliable team and system, Loyakk Vega can provide Users, a Platform that can bridge business relationships between companies, safe and strong, and provide Users with diverse benefits and conveniences that can boost the profits of business relationships which they have created. Team Loyakk Vega also believes that with systematic and professional development, Loyakk Vega Team can build a better platform than similar platforms.
With this opportunity, We invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name “LYK Token ”, here is the data.

BTT Profile:;u=1011357


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