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Whoa! Social media is becoming exciting and interesting as the day goes by. More subscribers are indicating interest in becoming part of the large social media communities with developers and entrepreneurs adding more features and attributes that makes the entire internet interactions and experience exhilarating. Ads are on the raise and social media is taking the lead in reaching out to users on a large scale as compared to conventional media. One of the challenges that have however militated against the complete metamorphosis of the entire system is lack of reward for original creators of media contents. Research has revealed that only intermediaries and data providers benefits from the cross-fertilization of communication for marketability using social media, thus leaving users and contents creators as mere end-users and consumers who pay to be become part of the global village. To create a better information super high way and of course a social media community where users will be rewarded and can equally invest under the auspices of the Blockchain technology, was brought from behind to the limelight by a team of young enthusiasts and entrepreneurs to change the world holistically. is the state-of-the-art new generation network based on categorically innovative philosophies of collaboration between online resort and its users. As a way to show the unification as well as diversification of the bionetwork built around community participation, the set-up is going to recompense its uses for their activity, popularity and content. The main concept of is to reward its users and share with them up to 50% from ads revenues in a fair and transparent model devoid of chauvinism. To implement main concept of the project for peripheral settlements (sale of advertisement as a main project’s service) shall be using Bitcoin and all settlements and rewards insider of platform shall be based on ME as internal tokens of the project. The sketch below illustrates the channel through which the platform will simplify the internal interaction within the circumference of the bionetwork, just to give you an insight into the concept.
One of the very distinctive attribute of the platform is that each user acts like an advertising channel and their subscribers are their prospective advertising audience. This way, the more subscribers one has, the more people will see the advertisement block. The reward a user receives is in direct ratio to the amount of subscribers they have. This way, users will raise their participation and reach, thus making more out of the platform.
Technically speacking, you cannot get all the required information needed to give you proper knowledge of the conceot of this new revolution in just this one piece, thus to get comprehensive and detailed information about the functionalities of the platform and paraphernalia, get ‘White Paper’ for free at
To ensure the platform is sustainable and puts the future into consideration, the bionetwork will be fueled through the instrumentality of the token to enable other investors take active part of the huge benefits and potentials of this ecosystem. ALLME token-a complete ERC20 utility coin will be employed to interconnect relatively with one another within the ecosystem as well as make transactions and other possible things. In fact, Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was offered to the general public to ensure the total accomplishment of the platform and to let others achieve their dreams through the usage of the bionetwork. The token will be represented by the ME symbol and smart contract anchored on the premise of the Ethereum platform. 10, 000, 000, 000 tokens have been created in total supply and Softcap set at $25, 000, 000 at a flat rate of $0, 014 USD during the ICO. The Pre-Sale and ICO bonus scheme is exemplified in the diagram that follows.
The tokens created will be distributed as shown in the illustration below.
Pre-Sale and ICO according to the platform’s roadmap will take effects from the first few weeks of February, 2018 and will continue until objectives are met, except otherwise revisited. To get tokens or terms/conditions of participation, click
One more second please! Meet real participants of the platform on social media and find out more about offer and bounties. How? Log on to;

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