The Free-To-Play Game "Skara- The Blade Remains", an online Battle arena like game,will release its own in-game currency,and it will be a ERC20 Token.
Skara is currently in alpha phase, i played a little on Steam and its look great and it has a good gameplay, but playerbase is'nt that high yet.
But the news of a cryptocurrency being added to the game it make me astonishing, maybe because i knew the game before, but, this can be a beginning of a new trend, where online game items can be bought with cryptocurrency, being its own or some that already exists.
This bring also the possibility of the games being more rewarding to its players,like you earn cryptocurrency with an achievement, what is possible currently in some games via Digibyte.
The Game
Skara is a Free-to-Play competitive team-based melee combat game placed in a fantasy world which future is influenced by players.
The gameplay is similar to DarkSouls,For Honor,Battle Gladiator and such.
Gameplay Trailer:
More informations and where to play in:
Official Site of Skara : http://playskara.com/
Steam Market Page : http://store.steampowered.com/app/274620/Skara__The_Blade_Remains/
The Skara Token (SKARAT)
Will be an ERC20 Token,so it will be on Ethereum Blockchain,you tie your address to your SKARA account in order to trade with other players,or you can sell in the exchanges.
It seems the supply will be very limited,about 500,000.
And the prizes,rewards etc will all be paid in SKARAT,so you can use it to buy in game items or sell in the exchanges,the items that you earn in the game then can be sell in the in game market for SKARAT.
What your thoughts about this movement from the company? you think its a beginning of a trend that we gonna see in online games?
Will you play the game? will you buy the tokens as a player? or even as a investor?
The token sale will start at January 2018,lets see how well it will go.
You can already sign up for the Whitelist as well for the Pre-Sale, in the official site of the Token Sale:
PROFIL ACCONT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1011357
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