Today everyone can become a broadcaster and earn money from their quality content, introducing you to On.Live, a platform that will pay you for quality content that you generate on any type of service you follow (Pay Per View, Pay Per Minute, In-Stream Payments). We will create a decentralized broadcast live platform that will give you more experience in live broadcast and will pay you at the same time. We will create an ecosystem that enables its users to sell services through live broadcast and a place for quality streaming content at a reliable price. We also allow all network users to make money by utilizing their computing power for relay and transcoding operations.

Getting Started Development
We build this platform using the blockchain system and make it a live streaming protocol that will make your experience better in the live broadcast. We guarantee the integrity and censorship of the media market for this platform, so you will get uncensored quality content from related institutions. We will pay you every second, minute, ad break, tip/donation, subscription plan, etc. Our platform will have features, where broadcasters can directly face to face with individuals/companies that need their content for business purposes, and we will provide this feature quickly and seamlessly, at a lower price. We will provide this market openly and decentralized for live broadcasting, streaming and transcoding services as well as 1-to-1 direct online consultation. We will provide this service as widely and freely to you as we realize that your quality content is entitled to be paid at an ideal price. We will also provide an interactive streaming feature, where you can interact directly with various broadcasters, so you can consult face-to-face (1-1) without interference from others.

Reasons We Choose Blockchain
We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because from the first appearance, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transaction security and transparency can be maintained and reduce the chance of cheating data.

We prefer to use Blockchain technology because this technology is more secure than ordinary technology today. Unlike conventional technology, Blockchain technology does not require a third party, so it's safer and cost-effective. When data is recorded, it will be stored forever and can not be changed. Ethereum's blockchain technology allows for the execution of "smart contracts", the code which is run on the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine). This technology can be used to perform calculations and conduct transactions which allow for an autonomous, trust-less payout system, all while being fast, secure and completely transparent.
In conclusion
We will provide you with a platform and live streaming market, which will pay you for any quality content that you present to the public. And as a user, you can face face-to-face 1-1 without any interruption and will raise your business value on broadcast content. All these benefits will be available on On.Live, a decentralized platform that will present you quality content. We believe that blockchain technology is the most important part of it, we can build a platform that is safer and better than similar platforms.

With this opportunity, we invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name “ONL Token ”, here is the data.
• Name: ONL
• Token Type: Utility token
• Maximum supply: 111,000,000 ONL
• Tokens available in Pre-ICO: 12,210,000 ONL
• Tokens available in ICO: 61,050,000 ONL
• ICO Hard Cap: 100,000 ETH
• Pre-ICO Hard Cap: 14,000 ETH
• All unsold Tokens will be burnt.



BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1011357
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