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Real estate and rent a car is one of the world's largest business industry generates hundreds of billions of U.s. dollars in turnover. People who need constant to find the perfect place to live, work and travel, thus, creating a regular request for real estate property and car rental service which is the most popular type of lease transactions in world.

The latest market trends show that people are more likely to rent real estate, car or other assets than to buy them. There are several reasons for this, the most common are:

  • Regular trips abroad for work or recreational purposes.
  • A faster pace of life often involve a change of the environment.
  • Reduce maintenance costs, taxes, insurance, the ease.
  • Cost reduction benefits of owning property.
  • The economic situation and low savings and
  • High real estate prices, cars and other assets.

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, the company that has been operating in the real estate and rental car market for years adjust their businesses to meet the needs of consumers in the future. In other words, these companies began to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment; Examples include property company based in London, The Collectives 1 and United States-based travel company offers car rental services CheapAir 2.

The global car rental market is worth about $58 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach nearly $125 billion in 2022.

According to the information available on the website of the rental car company, the deposit required by companies and individuals vary significantly and the average is $200 to $800 for the smaller car. Significantly, a closer analysis of the statistics dispute cases reveals that a number of countries have implemented the tenancy deposit protection scheme; examples of these are United Kingdom, New Zealand and each State in the United States. Although the level of dispute in these countries is lower, according to some reports it could reach 15%, while, according to the information provided on the site of the Deposit Protection Service, only 2% of their clients have disagreements.

Daily Transactions


Why Choose RxEAL

RxEAL is a platform for unproductive reliably and safe deposit storage security on blockchain Ethereum. It provides a decentralized dispute settlement with a major focus on real estate and automotive rental market worth hundreds of billions of USD combined. RxEAL will also be available to other industries which demand Fund unprofitable storage reliably and fair dispute resolution.

Bail is a measure used to cover losses suffered by the property lease. However, handing over the funds to another party for storage is a matter of trust. Parties that pay could not ensure that the deposit has been stored safely and that the other party will get back the deposit. Furthermore, at the end of the agreement, it can take weeks for the lessee to accept them back the deposit, and the dispute potentially end after must be resolved in court, took longer than the time. We believe that RxEAL is the solution to eliminate the growing number of fraud cases in the transaction the lease associated with unfair deductions from security deposit funds at the end of lease agreements by providing an interface to engage in these activities using smart contracts does not require technical knowledge. RxEAL not only solve problems, also provides the interest rates of deposits back faster and cost-effectiveness compared to chain off solution at this time.

In the user's RxEAL platform that is able to generate a comeback based on contract terms the two sides have agreed on. The contract will ensure that the amount of the deposit is kept safely in blockchain Ethereum along the way of the agreement without any possibility of unilaterally changing the terms of the contract or to access funds. In the event of disputes about the Division of late deposit, our platform will provide a decentralized and independent arbitration conducted by a qualified member of the get token RXL to resolve the dispute.

By combining technology with transaction blockchain daily rent we were able to build an entirely new way for users who do not have the technical knowledge to take advantage of the benefits offered by smart contracts.

We believe that RxEAL is the answer to the demands of the growth of the consumers involved in real estate, car rental and other transactions involving money guarantee. We provide solutions that are more secure, faster and cheaper than the traditional alternatives.

RxEAL provides a way to securely store the security deposit for the rental of various products in the form of cryptocurrencies using smart contracts at Ethereum.


Daily transaction: 25,000

Projected annual tokens requested in USD:
Average deposit Total demand

$ 300 $ 104,025,000
$ 600 $ 166,987,500
$ 900 $ 229,950,000
$ 1,200 $ 292,912,500
$ 1,500 $ 355,875,000




Author by :;u=1011357


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