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Sistem produk CIBUS-revolusioner

Everyone knows that the ecological situation in the world is not in the best condition now. That is why the interest in the "naturalness" of products only increases, and with it the supply market grows. 
Every day hundreds of food stores, hundreds of online stores open. And to any person, as a consumer, it is very important to be sure that the product has good quality and at the same time was affordable. And it is important for manufacturers not to lose their brand and get a good profit. What are the challenges faced by manufacturers? 
-information-savvy consumers who demand low prices and high quality 
-limiting on information on the origin of supplies- 
shield yourself from counterfeits and counterfeit products
- unorganized supply chain 
Therefore, in order that even small producers could enter the international market and the company was established 
This company solves all these problems. The business model of this company is based on two platforms. Let's consider in more detail: 
The first platform is aimed at four modules:

  1. CIBUS Trace - in other words, the ability to track all food and additives at all steps of manufacturing, processing and distribution.
  2. CIBUS cocial - a social platform that will help to establish interaction between buyers and sellers.
  3. CIBUS Retail is a virtual business that will allow buyers to purchase products and leave feedback.
  4. CIBUS Trade is a mass acquisition of trades for trading.
The second platform has the following four modules: 
1.CIBUS Logistics - opening its own logistics center, which will deliver products to customers from the central warehouse. 
2.CIBUS AD-advertising and marketing platform 
3.CIBUS Affiliate is a model for rewarding marketers, by promoting links and advertising. 
4.CIBUS Escrow-mediation agreement in the financial plan, i.e. the payment is made only when all the terms of the agreement are fulfilled. 
Tracking system is very important for the supply chain of products, and therefore the block system fully supports it. For this purpose, a global CIBUS ecosystem was created, which has a basic crypto currency for all transactions.
The main advantage of the CIBUS project over the others is that CIBUS will launch the latest generation of equipment: advanced sensors that will continuously monitor and send data to the unit. The company focuses on transparency and reliability of the system, as the main mission of the project is to achieve transparency in the global supply chain in order to gain maximum confidence from consumers and producers. 
How will such transparency be achieved? This will help use the following technologies: 
-P2P Marketplace (transaction between parties); 
-Creating a control panel; 
-provement of products; 
-Loyalty and reward program; 
-creation of partner relations; 
-data collection;
-Purchase with the help of blocking technology. 
Let's look at how the blocking system works: 
Tracking the cycle of food from production to consumption 
Data and parameters are recorded at each stage The 
consumer asks for product information The 
business network provides data

The provided data is stored in the locker and, thus, the CIBUS application does not participate in the storage of information, it requires it from the manufacturer. What data should the manufacturers keep? These are related documents, information on the traceability of transactions, product parameters. Thus, business owners and consumers will be able to maximize the transparency of the system. 
CIBUS Token - basic crypto currency for all transactions, which is the only way of payment for fees, advertising data, etc. To initiate transactions on CIBUS, you must maintain a minimum balance of tokens. Tokens will allow the platform to ensure the security and transparency of the process, which is uniqueness of this platform.

Thanks to the CIBUS company, buyers will be able to receive high quality products at a lower price, they will be able to track products independently, interact with the seller directly, and receive bonuses. Vendors, in turn, can reduce costs, communicate directly with customers, and also promote their products directly to consumers.
BTT : BTT Profile:;u=1011357
ETH :  0xBE762c447BA88E1B22C5A7248CBEF103032B8306


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