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FIRE LOTTO - The Lottery Platform for everyone

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Since its first appearance, Blockchain comes by offering fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. In its development, Blockchain is growing and pushing the revolution in the financial sector. In line with that, We will integrate the existing blockchain technology with our Lottery Platform, which will result in a secure and fast Platform Lottery in every execution.
Lottery games built with Blockchain technology will be a major concern for lottery players. Taking a share of 29% of all global gambling revenue, making lottery activity popular with many people. Along with that, many people are concerned about security issues as well as the speed of execution provided by the currently available platform, and FIRE LOTTO will be the solution to the problem.

By combining Blockchain technology, we also plan to create a game system built on the use of the Ethereal blockade that will operate with a high degree of autonomy, and its data and records are stored cryptographically in a decentralized public blockchain. So users can view data created by the system online and also transparently. The lottery system will also be created using a random number (RNG) method, which is safe and fair, in order to prevent manipulation and cheating in the lottery process. This project applies a completely safe RNG method based on the current version of the Bitcoin decentralization protocol.
With the growth of the Global Lottery Industry by 4.3% over 10 years, and there is only one decline in the 10 years, which proves the stability of this business. With the growth of the Global Lottery Industry by 4.3% over 10 years, and there is only one decline in the 10 years, which proves the stability of this business. Blockchain technology will play an important role in this platform, which will solve the problems of trust and fairness faced by the lottery industry today. We will create a platform based on blockchain technology that will provide a ETH smart contract to collect and distribute funds, generate random winners, and pay commissions on lottery ticket sales to token holders. Once the benefits are gained by the user in the lucky draw process, the amount will be directly saved by the wallet provided by our Platform.
The randomness of this game is ensured by the ETH Block-based RNG and also does not bother with a very tedious display, our Platform is designed with an user-friendly interface. The randomness of this game is ensured by the ETH Block-based RNG and also does not bother with a very tedious display, our Platform is designed with an user-friendly interface. Players can purchase unlimited number of tickets with a single click through the wallet provided by the Platform.

All processes will be conducted using smart contracts that will make the lottery activities safe, fast and transparent.

Token Sales - Join Opportunity
With this opportunity, we invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We plan to release 100,000,000 token.During the ICO, one token will be sold for USD 0.50. For the participants in the bonus program, the minimum price per token will be USD 0.40. During the pre - ICO, one token will be sold for USD 0.35.

Here is the details,

token 1.png
token 2.png

Within four days after ICO closes, tokens will be transferred to the wallets of investors who participated in all round. Tokens will be transferred to investors' account in the private cabinet and shall be available after ICO ends.



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