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GIMMER The smart way to invest in Digital Currencies

Gimmer is the creation of intrigue and frustration,it started when two good friends of blockchain fans decided to look at trading kriptocurrency. However, the farther they look, the more confusing it becomes.The incoming entrance is huge and the learning curve is even greater. With backgrounds in their User Experience Design and Full Stack Development has a vision to create a dynamic crypto trading platform. It aims to show how we use our team's expertise to make trading cryptocurrency easy and accessible for everyone. Until now, Gimmer (currently in beta work) has been self-funded by the team.
There are already a number of automated trading bots platforms, but they are so complex to use and hard to understand. They require in-depth trading of knowledge and programming skills, which are alienate new customers and prove to be time consuming for more experienced traders. Gimmer solves this problem, which is fast and easy to set up without in depth knowledge of trading or programming skills required.

Our goal is to provide the best blockchains available crypto trading platform that is fast and easy to use and accessible to all customers regardless of their trading background or experience. With Gimmer you do not have to be an expert trader or know any programming. connect to a customer's and customer's cryptographic exchange account then using an advanced algorithmic bot trading to trade on behalf of the customer on the parameters set by the customer. Bots need no programming skills, no prior trading experience and no in-depth knowledge required cryptocurrencies Gimmer is suitable for anyone who wants to trade and invest in the cryptocurrency market and have no relevant skills or time to
watch the market all day.Visit to official website

In a market that never sleeps, experienced traders and crypto fans no longer need to be chained to their 24/7 monitors. Gimmer bots for all the buying and selling for them. Bots trading is configured through a simple point and select the interface so you do not have to learn programming or new skills to create your strategy.You can configure bot trading to include any number of indicators, safeties and currencies you want. After setup, you can run backtests to see how your strategy will be done during the previous trading period. This works out using historical data. When ready, fill in your bots with Gimmer tokens, sit back and relax the Gimmer trading bs trading on Gimmer eliminates the possibility of human error, avoid expensive emotional decisions and most importantly you must memorize a complex trading strategy for yourself.

We’ve created a fast and simple sign-up process. Because Gimmer never holds any currency, we don’t need to perform any lengthy identification checks, so customers can be up and running in a matter of minutes. Simply create your account, validate your email address, download the app, then follow the simple step-by-step instructions to sync Gimmer with your Ethereum address and your exchange account by entering two API keys.
The Gimmer ecosystem has its own form of currency called Gimmer Tokens (GMR). Every purchase, rental, sale, exchange, reward or fee made in the ecosystem will require the use of GMR Tokens. This includes, but not limited too :
• Paying for the rental of crypto-trading, crypto-lending and crypto-arbitrage bots
• Customising your trading strategy with additional currency pairs, indicators and safeties
• Renting trading strategies from other customers
• Earning GMR tokens for creating content in Gimmer’s integrated social network
• As a reward for expanding the Gimmer community by inviting friends
• As a reward for featuring in the community ‘Best Bot’ leaderboard

1 FEB 2018 – 28 FEB 2018
Ticker : GMR
Token type : ERC20 ICO
Token Price : 1 GMR = 0.27 USD (0.00040 ETH)
Fundraising Goal : 23,300,000 USD (35,000 ETH)
Total Tokens : 110,000,000
Available for Token Sale : 90,9%
Bonus for the First: UP TO +20%
Min/Max Personal Cap: 0.1 ETH / TBA
Token Issue : 1 FEBRUARY 2018
Accepts : ETH
Minimum Token Supply : 50,000,000 GMR
Token Sale Hard Cap : 100,000,000 GMR
Presale Hard Cap : 15,000,000 GMR
Token Sale Soft Cap : No soft cap. As Gimmer is a working product, all funding raised will go towards expediting product development.
Maximum Tokens for Bounties, Advisers, Team and Reserves 10,000,000 GMR (Bounties: +4% of total tokens issued. Advisers, reserves & team: +6% of total tokens issued)

My Account BTT :;u=1011357


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